Cavachon Grooming Tips
When our Cavachon, Kasey, starts to look a little scruffy, it’s time to think about grooming. Here are some of the things we do.
If you are looking for a good recommendation for a groomer, ask your Vet. I generally take Kasey to the groomer every 4 to 8 weeks. It depends on the weather – in the summer, I like to keep his hair shorter so he goes more often. Since we live in the mid-west, our winters get pretty cold and I don’t take him to the groomer as often so that his hair can grow longer – and keep him warmer!
In between trips to the groomer, his coat still needs to be taken care of. Our Cavachon has a combination of both types of hair. He has some areas that are straighter, but for the most part, the longer his hair gets, the curlier it gets. I have found that using one of the metal combs with the wider teeth works the best. I have tried several different brushes and they just won’t get through his coat. Right after he is groomed, I don’t need to comb him for a week which is great! As soon as the hair starts growing, he starts getting tangled areas and I have to comb him more often. The frequency of combing quickly picks up as the hair keeps growing. After a month or so, it’s pretty easy if I do it every other day. Combing can take between 30 minutes to an hour depending upon how many tangles he has – the more often you comb your Cavachon, the fewer tangles he will get.
I recently found that using one of my little eyelash combs works great on tangles!
I would recommend that you start combing your Cavachon when he/she is young. Kasey grew up getting combed and he is very tolerant of it now. He won’t fuss at all even if it takes an hour and he ALWAYS gets a treat when we are done!
As far as bathing goes, it again depends on the time of year and weather. Right now, we are knee deep in snow and he doesn’t really get very dirty so I’ll give him a bath every 2 -3 weeks or so. However, when we get a thaw, he may need a couple baths in a week! White hair and mud don’t go well together! Even though he is 1 1/2 years old, I still use Hartz Groomer’s Best Puppy Shampoo. It’s gentle on his eyes and it smells great. Bathing is another thing I started doing with him when he was very young. He doesn’t mind the bath anymore and…oh yes, he gets a treat when he is done.
Update 3-17-2010: If you want to see some before and after pictures of Kasey being groomed, check out his visit to the groomer!
Hi we have a 10 weeks old named Maggie. She is adorable. This is our first puppy in 17 yrs. is it normal for her to get crazy hyper and just run wild at times? It seems like she gets these burst of energies and just thinks its playtime. She tends to ignore our commands when we call her when she is like this. Also she keeps licking at herself and grooming her underneath. Is that normal? One more question, she seems to scratch at her collar a lot, she should be used to it by now could she have some other issue?
Sorry for all the questions it’s been a long time since we had a puppy.
Our cavachon puppy Charlee is10 months old and we just love her. Our question is do most cavachons like to swim. She will go out by herself and get into the pool and swim for 5 or 10 minutes. Thanks
Our dog Charlee is 10 months old and just loves water. Do cavachons naturally like to swim in a pool?
I have 2 cavachons and are very picky eaters is anyone else having this issue?
If so would love to hear any advice they are 2 years old.
We got our 1 year old cavachon Lee groomed recently , but the groomer cut down all his fluffy coat and left a really short tight coat. It doesn’t look like our dog at all and the longer coat looked so much nicer . Any ideas on how long it will take for the hair to grow back ?
Anonymous Replied:
June 22nd, 2013 at 2:59 pm
that happened to my cavashon tool about a month to 2 to regrow
Hi , I’m just adopting a 2 year old cavashon . Can anyone recommend a reasonable dried food to feed her . ? And how much should she have ?
Mads Replied:
April 7th, 2013 at 10:41 pm
I have two cavachons and they love taste of the wild, venison and bison and have never got upset tummies on it.
Check with your vet how much she should have, depends on whether she is one meal a day or two and there are feeding recommendations.
Good luck you will love having a cavachon
Greg Replied:
June 8th, 2013 at 7:29 am
I have a 6 year old and she really likes the wellness. She also likes a bit of wet food with it. I give her about a 1/4 cup in the morning and at night. Her weight has remained stable at about 20 lbs.
She loves greenies too! Have fun with your cavachon!
Hi I have a 9 week old cavachon puppy he is adorable.he has really bad tear staining under his eyes it look really unsightly but it doesn’t bother him obviously if there anything I can do to stop this any hint and tip would be muchly appreciated
Jane Replied:
January 19th, 2013 at 10:45 am
Angel Eyes works well. You can find it at a pet store.
Anonymous Replied:
March 19th, 2013 at 12:06 am
angel eyes is NOT sold in some countries because it can be dangerous for the dogs. Just google it.
Anonymous Replied:
April 22nd, 2013 at 8:25 am
The USA is the only country hat carries it. That is not a
Good sign. I was my pups everts every morning and
Evening with a warm
Washcloth. Then I apply contact lens cleaning solution with a cotton ball. It helps breaks down the bacteria. Also only use stainless steel drinking and eating bowls. Bacteria
Cannot grow there but can in plastic.
Lisa Replied:
March 7th, 2013 at 3:56 am
When I switched to a grain free food Mia’s eyes stopped staining. I hope this helps.
Anonymous Replied:
March 21st, 2013 at 7:32 pm
What food do you use?
Anonymous Replied:
June 17th, 2013 at 8:00 am
I heard that filtered water in the puppy’s bowl does the trick so try that
Help my cavashon (Buddy by name and nature)but his harness has caused knots in his fur under his front legs and around his neck. Can anyone suggest a harness that would stop this? Thankyou
I got my puppy Charley about a month ago. When we first got her, she was a this gorgeous furball. She is going 13 weeks now as recently a week and half ago, she started to shed…a lot. I can almost see her pinkish skin, almost bare in her bottom. I took her to a vet yesterday and was told that this may be puppy coat shedding. For some reason, I am not convinced. I’d rather hear from other cavachon lovers out there if any of you went through the same thing. She is taking Wellness Small Breed puppy food, both wet and dry. She has some puppy vitamins as well.
Please help.
VickyHolloway Replied:
January 26th, 2013 at 9:00 am
My cavachon is a bit the same. Sheds loads and you can reall see her pink skin underneath. We don’t have any bald spots though.
Debbie Replied:
February 8th, 2013 at 9:00 am
We have a cavachon puppy that is now 8 months old. We got him at 12 weeks old and at that time, we could see alot of skin, like his hair was very thin. We kept him brushed and bathed regularly and within a few weeks, his hair really started to come in thick. He now is loaded with thick hair. Maybe the breed has thin hair when they are younger pups? I don’t know. But our vet has always said our pup is healthy. Hope that helps.
Hi – does anyone have any natural home remedies for tear staining/gooey eyes? We have just rescued a seven month old pup and she is adorable, but suffers with her eyes. I’ve read about cranberry juice and also lemon juice in the water? I don’t fancy giving her Angel Eyes. Thank you!
CD Replied:
July 23rd, 2012 at 10:27 pm
When our cavachon was a puppy he used to have some tear staining etc., we had his tear ducts “flushed” at the vet at the same time we had him neutered. He’s never had a problem since. The cost has been about $70.00 (but he was already “asleep”). So, this is a thought for anyone.. it was well worth it!
Our neighbors cavachon never had this done and has horrible eye goop/staining.
Lori Replied:
July 24th, 2012 at 9:46 am
I remember I had read and tried a couple different tips. One was to wipe around their eyes with a cotton ball soaked in distilled water. I did not think that did anything. The other was to do the same with a bit of white vinegar in the water (be very careful not to get in the eye). I do not remember the ratio, you can probably find it by “googling.” That may have helped a little. I did resort to a round of Angle Eyes and that did eliminate it. As he got older, the staining really subsided. We have not had to use anything.
He still gets the gooey “sleep” stuff. I bought a jar of pre-moistened eye wipes for dogs on Amazon. I cut them in half and wipe his eyes when needed. The jar has lasted a very long time and they work great – much easier than a wash cloth or cotton ball.
I wish I had heard of the eye flushing sooner! I would have definitely looked into that!
Lori Replied:
July 24th, 2012 at 10:07 am
Oops – that should have been apple cider vinegar – not white!
Anonymous Replied:
December 17th, 2012 at 4:35 pm
Pumpkin! Between a teaspoon to a tablespoon depending on size of dog it has really worked! Get organic canned pumpkin not pumpkin pie mix.
my 8week old cavachon puppy shedding quite a bit? is it bacause his mum was the cavalier an not a bichon? or could it be his food he`s on bakers complete puppy and pedagree chum puppy.
Julie Replied:
August 21st, 2012 at 5:08 am
Hi Rache, after doing a lot of investigating Bakers Complete is not a good food at all and neither is Pedagree chum. My cavashon was on that food from the breeder when I got her and we had nothing but problems. Like I said after some investigation on the internet I switched to a higher quality brand, Wainrights puppy from Pets at Home (one of the less expensive quality brands) together with Bakers complete puppy food and all the problems disappeared. Hope this helps.
rache Replied:
August 26th, 2012 at 4:35 pm
Hi Julie, i`ve since switched his food from bakers to hills puppy, he`s loving his new food 🙂 but is still shedding :/. An his is fur is all mixed up, its flat on his shoulders and fluffy around his middle,legs and on his head. so is this what happens when the puppy fur comes out?. He`s going for his last set of needles an his microchip the 28th, so once he`s able to go out properly the first place he`ll be going is the groomers :).
I want to share an e-mail question I got – I am sure many others have been here:
I really need some Cavachon hair advice! Our little boy is 6 months old and his fur is quite shaggy, I cut it round his eyes and to be honest, he looked ridiculous! So I am letting it grow back but it is just hanging completely over his eyes now. Will it go back to the lovely owl looking style it was pre-trim, or have I ruined his facial fur forever? (or maybe do some cavachons just have shaggy, in the eyes hair?!) I would really appreciate your advice please. Many thanks. Kerry.
Lori Replied:
February 16th, 2012 at 2:09 pm
Hi Kerry –
I can tell the anxiety you have from your note! I’ll tell you my experience and my opinion here…..
I remember when Kasey was a young puppy like yours his hair was much finer. I looked through old pictures (that was fun) too see if there were ones with his hair falling in his eyes. I did see that right before we took him to the groomer the first time, it was falling over his eyes – that is no doubt why I decided it was time. I remember how different his face looked when I picked him up because of the short hair, but it “normalized” quickly. It is still like that for a couple of days when he gets a haircut now.
I went and looked at his face just now, and the hair on his “forehead” is actually quite short. It starts out the shortest above his eyes and gets gradually longer toward the top. She tapers it very nicely so it all blends together. I can tell when groomer time is close, as it starts to hang in his eyes. We go to the groomer every 9 weeks now. I noticed his eyebrow hair goes toward his ears, the rest does not. I think if it gets too long, it all just falls. I also started having her cut the hair on his nose shorter on top because that was often “up” in his eyes. She blends that nicely, too, so it doesn’t look funny.
I attached the best close-up face picture of Kasey I could find too see if that helps you know what I am trying to say – it is so hard to put in words! He was about 9 months old in this picture, I am not sure how long after having been to the groomer it was taken.
I really think your little boy will be fine and adorable! I really don’t believe you have “ruined his facial fur!” I had planned on doing Kasey’s haircuts myself, but ended up too intimidated by it. If you want to do them yourself, maybe you can use this picture and some of the ones on Cavachon Cove as a guide or take your puppy to a groomer one time to help you with the initial shaping.
Good Luck,
p.s. Would you mind if I put this exchange up in the grooming section of our web site, I would love to see if there are other Cavachon puppy parents with the same thoughts and/or the experience of others. Please send us a picture of your puppy to put up on “Kasey’s Friends” page!
Kerry Replied:
February 16th, 2012 at 2:11 pm
Thank you so much, your experience and advice are really useful. Of course you can add our discussion to your website. I found very little online so it would be nice if others in a similar situation could he helped! I think you are right, it is time for a trip to the hair dressers! I am going tomorrow. I’ll put together a before and after pic, you can share that too if you’d like.
I think I panicked a bit, worrying he’ll somehow be different with all his gorgeous locks chopped off, but shaggy fur or no shaggy fur, he’s still our Charlie and I adore him more than words can say!
Many thanks,
Kerry x
Lori Replied:
February 16th, 2012 at 2:12 pm
Can’t wait to see the pictures! I agree with you – it was so hard to find information on line. When it was time to take Kasey for his haircut, I had to rely on the groomer because I could not find a picture of a Cavachon that was not a very young puppy. I really did not even know what he was supposed to look like! I was a little depressed the first time I took him because he looked so different when I picked him up, plus I was having anxiety because it was the first time I ever left him somewhere, and with a stranger no less. He was very “poofy.” But, in a couple of days his hair fell back in place and he looked like my puppy again! I still tell the groomer when I take him that he is the cutest right when it is time to get another haircut. I would let it go longer, but as he got older and the hair was not as fine, I found it tangling/matting easier requiring combing almost every day! I have found with the 9 week schedule, I have to do it every 2or 3 days in the last week or so, prior to that only about once a week. I actually had to reschedule his next appointment and she cannot take him for another full week so it will be 10 weeks between appointments – woohoo – I am actually glad!
Thanks for letting me share our conversation. You hit the nail on the head as to why I started this web site. It was so hard to find anything pertaining to a Cavachon specifically. I wanted to share what I was learning to help others, and hoped as we were “found” others would share their stories, too. I am by no means an expert, just a loving Cavachon mom. I know exactly how you feel about Charlie! I think we have found the very best breed of dog. I, of course, am not biased at all 🙂
help! my 10 week old cavachon is shedding quite a bit! I purchased this breed because I am highly allergic, supposedly the cavachon does not shed but for some reason mine is, it depends on the day, sometimes I pick her up and my shirt is full of hair and other days its not so bad but she still sheds. does anyone have the same problem? what do you suggest I do?
Lori Replied:
February 15th, 2012 at 10:11 pm
The only thing i might suggest is to comb her as much as you can or have someone else do it.) We do not have that shedding problem, but when I comb Kasey I do get a lot of hair on myself and in the comb.
Even with the shedding, I have always heard these dogs were “hypo-allergenic” because of the type of hair they have. Do you experience allergy symptoms? We have had this sight up a couple of years and I have not heard of anyone yet who has had that problem. I have even been told a few times of people who got this breed because of an allergic child in the house, and it was a successful match.
I am curious to hear back from you.
Best Wishes,
le Replied:
February 16th, 2012 at 4:54 pm
Hello Lori!
thank you for the response, I have talked to my vet about it, she does have dry skin and that is probably the main reason she is shedding so much, he gave us some vitamins and other supplements that help with the coat, if that doesn’t work he suggested we switched foods.
I do comb her everyday and get tons of hairs out but even after that, every time I pick her up Im covered in her hairs. I have seen a small difference since I started giving her what the vet sent her, its getting a little better I’ll wait a few more weeks to see what happens but I am positive that things are going to change and her skin is going to get better.
Thank goodness I haven’t showed even 1 symptom of allergy with my beautiful girl, I got a little scared when I saw all the hairs but apparently she really is hypo-allergenic. I’ve been around tons of dogs and cats that are not hypo-allergenic and my allergy symptoms show right away.
I will keep you posted!
thanks again!
Lori Replied:
April 8th, 2012 at 10:42 pm
Thanks for that update, I am glad things seem to be getting better and hope that continues.
I was very happy to hear about your allergy experience – I get the “hypoallergenic” question so often but have not had many first hand testimonials!
I was reading some of my old notes and emails and I read that Kasey had 2 major sheddings while a puppy! I had literally forgotten all about it until I read that. I remember I did feel like I got ripped off because I was supposed to get a shed-free dog!
Anyway, the information I had found said puppies get “new coats” and that is when they shed a lot. It must have been true, because I honestly don’t have a shedding problem with Kasey at all.
Keep us posted!
I have been looking for a companion after losing my husband and really like the cavachons I have seen. I have been reading these posts and it seems there are way more pros than cons…..or is it because just those not thrilled with these dogs don’t seek out such sites. (?) Anyway, I am liking these dogs more and more from yours posts. My question is…..and this may seem silly, but are there pros and cons as to whether I should get a male or a female? Especially as they become adults. I am thinking overall tendencies with the breed, but specific personal info would be helpful also. Thanks!
Lori Replied:
October 30th, 2011 at 10:28 pm
I decided to get a male because I had read that male dogs tend to be closer with the female members of the family and female dogs closer to the males.
I don’t know if this is true or not, Kasey adores both of his parents (me and my husband.)
I could not have been happier with my choice! Apparently some people do have a problem with male dogs “marking” their territory inside the house. Our vet told us to have Kasey neutered at 6 months old to prevent this. I don’t know if that is what did it, but thankfully we never had that problem!
I do know that people love their females, too. I think it is just a personal decision.
Elaine Replied:
November 16th, 2011 at 9:11 pm
I am getting a cavachon! How do they react with a 7 year old and a thirteen year old? I would like to know a lot about them like, how they like to excercise and if they bite! Thanks so much!
Lori Replied:
March 4th, 2011 at 12:29 am
I think that a Cavachon will be great with the kids. Kasey has been around children of all ages, newborn on up. Dogs seem to have instincts about how to act. You still need to watch them of course, depending on the age of the child.
As far as the biting goes, I think any puppy will bite. That is a natural instict for them and how they played with their litter mates. It is up to their owners to teach them not to bite. It can be a challenge when they are very young, but you must be consistent and firm! There are some discussions about this elswhere on this site and tips for stopping the biting. Kasey did bite (for a puppy it is more like a nip and doesn’t even hurt while they still have their puppy teeth)but we just kept at the “no bite” lessons. It was frustrating at times, but he learned pretty quickly. Once he outgrew that phase, he has never even attempted to bite anyone. He knows that’s what his toys are for.
As far as exercise goes, we don’t have a formal exercise routine. I like to walk in nice weather (we still have snow on the ground right now – yuk) and take Kasey with me. We have also hiked on park trails with him. Just playing chasing a toy or ball is great exercise – he is very good at running after a ball then letting it roll back to us when he gets close enough. It is a blast!
Good luck, you can always ask questions in the forum area, too!
What do you do to keep the tear stain under control
Lori Replied:
February 28th, 2011 at 8:29 pm
For a while I was giving him that “Angel Eyes”, and it did help with the staining. I quit giving that to him though, and the staining really has not been that bad. I bought some eye cleanse pads (I got them on-line, I don’t remember if it was Amazon or one of the pet supply places)and it is very easy to wipe around his eyes. I cut them in half and use a half on each eye.
i put my dogs name max hes a cavachon !!!!!!!!
When should a Cavachon pup start getting a hair cut? we are coming into summer and our 10 week old pup is looking beautifully shaggy. It it too soon to get him groomed?
Lori Replied:
November 26th, 2010 at 2:29 am
Yikes, this reply probably took too long for you……what did you end up doing?
My groomer told me that when I thought it was time for some trimming, then it was time.
I would trim Kasey’s toe nails as a little puppy (not any more) so I never took him to the groomer until I thought he looked scruffy! I originally thought I would give him his haircuts, too, but abandoned that idea.
Philly adores his bathes, in fact he’ll jump into an empty tub until I get the message…or he’ll jump into my bath with me…then I’ve definitely gotten the message.
Luckily he also enjoys his grooming sessions, and thus far has allowed me to do some at home clipping…necessary as he is far to terrified to go to a groomer…bad enough when he goes to the vet for monthly check ups…he totally panics, must be muzzled and requires a tranquilizer…
We don’t know what ordeals he endured, abused as a pup, but his memories remain and his fear…hence time is taken daily at home to ensure he is healthy and happy. It is far too much a trauma to have someone other than myself handle him.
How about a pic when he’s all prettied up? What a cutie!
Greg Replied:
February 11th, 2010 at 8:46 pm
Great idea! Kasey has an appointment with the groomer on Feruary 28th. I’ll post some “after” pictures. Thanks!
Lori Replied:
February 23rd, 2010 at 9:18 pm
Tomorrow is the big day for Kasey – groomer @ 11:45. He needs it, too! If I remember, I’ll take a “before” picture in the morning to compare with the “after” on the same day.