Cavachon Questions and Answers

Welcome to the Questions & Answers section of Cavachon Cove! This section is a continually growing collection of questions we've received from our visitors along with the answers we have given them. If you can offer any advice from your own knowledge or experiences, feel free to leave a comment on any of the Q&A pages! Also, if you would like to submit a question of your own, feel free to send us a question.

Disclaimer: Any advice offered on this site is merely given through the personal experiences of owning a Cavachon and is not a substitute for professional advice. As always, you should consult a veterinarian or other animal professional for any questions or concerns you may have about your pet. Finally, when it comes to the health of your pet, always consult your veterinarian rather than relying solely on advice you find on the internet!

January 21, 2023

The Cavachon is a designer dog breed that is a cross between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Bichon Frise. These dogs are known for their small size and their friendly, outgoing personalities. They have a soft, fluffy coat that is typically white with brown or black markings, and they have a round, expressive face.

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September 20, 2017


I am in the UK and I am about to purchase my first ever dog! I have chosen a Cavachon and have the choice of either a boy or girl.  I am wondering, are there advantages of one over the other, as I am a complete novice? I have several grandchildren who will want to play with her when they visit. I have a small courtyard garden. A quick reply would be much appreciated as I have to make a decision ASAP!



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February 11, 2016


How can we stop our cavachon puppy from using our feet as chew toys? Or our shoes? I have not  had a dog in a long time. And this little one is so sweet. Thanks for your help.



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April 24, 2014


I have had my Baby Sara a first generation Cavachon for 2 weeks now and she is just a love. I did a lot of research and am hoping to train Sara to be a Therapy Dog. I did purchase Sara and know that she is not a pure breed but either is my Emily a Golden Mix that I rescued 4 years ago. Emily is a Therapy Dog for Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia. Baby Sara is just 10 weeks old and she is showing signs of being a very smart dog. Very loving. Thank you for your work on this site…



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April 7, 2014


I have been looking and studying different breeds of dogs and I love the Cavachon. I have learned that the Cocker Spaniel has a distinct odor, maybe because of their long ears. I was wondering if the Cavachon has an odor?



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March 31, 2014


I could use all the help/suggestions you can give on potty-training my two cavachons — they are NOT puppies.



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March 17, 2014


I have Cavachon named Quintin he is about 9 weeks old. Quintin is an adorable little boy but we have some behavior problems with him. To start, Quintin likes to sleep a lot – I don’t know if that’s  normal?  Then, when we pet him, he likes to bite our fingers too much. Lastly, when he goes outside, he won’t pee but will then will pee inside the house once we bring him back inside.  Please HELP!



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March 10, 2014


My family is thinking of getting a Cavachon and I found your website when I was doing some research.  Thank you for doing this, it is very informative.

We do not live near any breeders so will probably be buying via the internet, sight unseen.  How did you find your breeder?  Do you mind if I ask who you got Kasey from?  We do not know anyone else who has a cavachon.  Thank you.


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March 3, 2014


Can my cavachon be left alone and if so, for how long?



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February 24, 2014

Hi there! My Fiance and I just brought home our two month old Cavachon Alice and she is just adorable! I found this website before we brought her home and I have found it very helpful so thank you for that. So far she is settling in nicely, she’s been home for a week and has done pretty good with housebreaking. We bring her outside to the same spot several times a day and she does her business almost immediately. Theres been a few accidents but that is to be expected. I know she is a puppy and this is to be expected, but she is really nibbling on our hands quite a bit, sometimes to the point where we can’t even put our hands near her. We tell her no, take our hands away, and put a toy in her mouth and that works sometimes. I know she is playing but I’m worried to bring her around kids for fear that she will get too rough with them. I don’t want to keep her away from young kids because I want her to get comfortable with them!

I guess basically what I’m asking is when do they typically stop that habit? She is the first puppy for my Fiance and I and we just would like to see a light at the end of the tunnel! Also, she gets pretty bad tear stains on her eyes. We were told to rub that area with a wash cloth which we have been doing but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Any advice? Thank you again for this great site.



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